NCGI in Panama

Posted on: March 14, 2014, by :

Ministry in Panama

It was an extraordinary week. New Creation, the International gospel group with Jamaican roots that started thirty years ago, came together for a set of reunion performances in Panama during the week ending June 19, 2011.
The group which has won the Jamaican Honeycomb Award and was nominated for the Jamaican JAMI Awards, came together in March 2010 in response to a stirring in their hearts to answer a question of what God had meant about “music in your sinews”, in a word to them decades earlier. At that reunion in March, the group committed to fulfilling the purpose of God and to impart their message of hope, reconciliation and worship to the next generation on a global platform. In recognition of this wider call to world ministry, they were also impressed to adopt a new name, New Creation Generation International.
The first step would be to bring the generations together and the location chosen was Panama. As the preparations proceeded, the emphasis shifted to ministry and opportunities for ministry were sought in local churches and the penal institutions. Unfortunately, due to various constaints, many of the younger generation (the children of New Creation members) were not able to attend. However, they were well- represented electronically (Joel, Joanna and Danielle Brown provided background vocals on some of the performance tracks used) and in person through the singing, dance and drumming skills of Jovanna, Jason and Jonathan Batchelor respectively.
Starting June 9th 2011, Cheryl with husband Holmes, Janet and Christopher, Claudette, Marjorie and Al joined Diane and Selwyn in Panama to prepare for the ministry time the following weekend. Preparations included rehearsals, getting- to- know- the- people sessions, prayer, fasting and sharing from the Word. As is customary with New Creation, God also ensured that the unity in relationships was maintained and solidified during the time of preparation.
God proved Himself faithful again at the engagements the group committed to attend. New Creation ministered at a correctional centre for women on Friday morning of June 17th. Although a bit hampered by the lack of equipment available in the prison, the group rose to the occasion to deliver heartfelt inspiration to the inmates in song. The inmates consisted of both English and Spanish speaking persons. One Spanish speaking inmate commented that although she did not understand much of the words, she felt such love coming from the group that she cried most of the way through the time of ministry. At the end of the programme, over 90 percent of the inmates present responded to an appeal to commit their lives to Jesus Christ. The display of love at the end of the package was uncommon among them according to a prison ministry official.
On Friday evening of the 17th New Creation held their first public concert since the reunion in a small Baptist church in the Paraiso Community. The concert was opened by Alex U, a talented soloist from Crossroads Bible Church, leading the crowd in popular songs including a rendition of Nicole Mullen’s “Redeemer” in Spanish which was well received by the congregation. Holmes Lindsay then introduced the New Creation who rocked the crowd with a reggae song, “Gospel of Christ”, then reminded them that “God is truly Amazing” a cover of the 1980’s hit. They then led the people into a time of worship and praise from songs born out of the rich heritage of worship maintained by the group. These songs included “Habitation”, “Anoint Me”, and “God Manifest Your Presence”. After the intermission the audience was introduced to “Sing Again” the current theme song of the group. This song encapsulates this new season of God’s call to New Creation and indeed the wider body of Christ, with the encouragement to build, dream and sing again despite setbacks and disappointments. This led to more worship and the finale, a declaration that as the body of Christ “We are one in the Spirit” to fulfil the purpose of God in our land.
The concert on the 18th was similar in format to the one on the 17th except for the addition of a cover of a 1970’s hit “I cried a tear” as a special request from the congregation. Feedback from the congregation made it clear that the signature New Creation vocal harmony, and the presence of the Spirit of God contributed greatly to the experience being a blessing to the participants.

Special thanks for their support are given to the following:
• The Paraiso Baptist Church and Pastor Lorde for use of the church for rehearsals and concert and for their donation to the ministry.
• Crossroads Bible Church and Pastors Steve and Bob Gunn for PA support for both concerts, the Saturday night concert venue, and to allow the group to ministering their Sunday services. The group also received encouragement as the churched shared its mission focus during the service.
• Thanks to all sponsors including but not limited to providing banners, flyers, promotions, and travel.
• Thanks to all who came to the concerts and ministry appearances of the group and purchased CDs or made donations or helped with sound and music, venue logistics and hospitality for the group.

When Ezekiel was instructed to speak to the valley of dry bones, God asked him, “Son of man, can these dry bones live?”  It turns out that they could, and they did.  Believe it or not, miracles are still happening; New Creation is reborn.